Scale up your AI development with Aixia – Your Swedish partner for end-to-end AI solutions!

In the digital era, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important for companies striving to remain competitive and innovative. Scaling up AI development can be a challenging and complex process, […]
Unlock the power of AI with NVIDIA’s DGX System: The ultimate solution for AI development!

Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming an indispensable technology across industries, and businesses need powerful data processing solutions to keep up with demand. This is where the NVIDIA DGX system […]
AiQu: Revolutionizing AI Workload Management

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning, managing, and optimizing the use of resources has become increasingly challenging. This is where AiQu, developed by Aixia, […]
Implementing an Effective Backup Solution in Your Organization: A Technical Guide for IT Managers and Decision Makers

Implementera En Effektiv Backuplösning i Din Organisation: En Teknisk Guide för IT-Chefer och Beslutsfattare I en värld där data är en av de mest värdefulla tillgångarna för varje organisation, […]
Microsoft Ignite 2023

Microsofts årliga konferens Ignite hölls i förra veckan och som vanligt presenterades en mängd spännande teknologiska framsteg och innovationer. Det var i år otroligt många intressanta delar och i denna […]
Nutanix: Aixia’s Perspective on Hyperconverged Infrastructure

Within the IT industry, evolution never stands still and hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) has quickly become a preferred route for companies striving to streamline and scale their IT resources. Nutanix, one […]
The guide to successfully implementing Microsoft Copilot

Microsofts nyaste tillägg, Copilot, är särskilt designad för utvecklare. Genom att dra nytta av artificiell intelligens, erbjuder det förslag och stöd vid kodskrivning. Trots dess stora potential att förvandla programmeringslandskapet, […]
Why your password mostly doesn’t matter

Recently, there has been a lot of buzz around password security. Every week, security decision-makers are inundated with advice like “never use a compromised password”, “always choose really long passwords” […]
Pure Storage Accelerate: exciting news and the future without hard drives

Recently, Aixia participated in the Pure Storage main event Accelerate, held in hot Las Vegas. At the event, which was combined with the partner forum, Pure Storage presented impressive news […]
End of Life Windows 10

Microsoft meddelade nyligen att utgåvan 22H2 är den sista utgåvan av Windows 10 som släpps. Det innebär att världens mest populära operativsystem kommer att gå end of life. Sista dagen […]